Medical Condition Treatment New York, Injury Pain Specialist NYC
NYC Alternative Massage Therapy Medical Spa
- Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Bursitis, Tendinitis, Fasciitis
- Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc
- Scoliosis, Whiplash
- Osteoporosis
- Osteosclerosis, Bone Spur
- Calcification, Fibrosis
- Tennis, Elbow, Golfer's Elbow
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Rotator Cuff, Frozen Shoulder
- TMJ / TMJ Pain, Sciatica
- Neuralgia, Pinched Nerve
- Paralysis, Numbness
- Headache / Migraine
- Swelling Edema, Lymphedema
Call our 57th St. office or NYC offices for an appointment to save you time and suffering to provide and offer you a massage therapist, physical therapist, chiropractor, podiatrist, neurologist, orthopedist, orthopedic doctor surgeon, acupuncturist, acupuncture reflexologist or alternative sports medicine pain management specialist physician for fast pain relief and the best cure. Our orthopedic doctor or orthopedic surgeon provides and offers immediate X-ray service and diagnosis for orthopedics neck, back, spine, rib, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand, finger, hip, leg, knee, ankle, foot, heel and toe or orthopedists treatment services near New York City NY 10019 in westside midtown Manhattan.
Day spa therapeutic massage & therapy: Swedish massage, scar/ deep tissue massage, prenatal/ postnatal pregnancy maternal massage, Japanese Shiatsu, Thai massage, medical massage, sports massage, lymphatic drainage massage, foot reflexology, acupuncture point acupuncture meridian acupressure, cosmetic plastic surgery/ liposuction/ tummy tuck post surgery massage therapy, lipo cavitation. Medical day spa skin care: scar tissue, acne scar, lipo fat, cellulite, stretch mark, spider varicose vein, callus, puffy bulging dark circle eye bag, wrinkle line reduction, better than collagen Botox injection anti-aging facelift, weight loss toning.
Pain management specialist expert alternative for physician-doctor-surgeon care: chiropractic, podiatry, orthopedic, osteopathic, physical therapy, rehabilitation adjustment care, running dance sports medicine, acupuncture neurology, east integrative complementary & holistic alternative internal medicine natural healing for body, mind, head, chin, sinus, jaw, neck, back (upper, mid, low back), chest, rib, abdomen, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand, finger, hip, leg, knee, ankle, foot, heel, arch, sole, toe, spine, cervical/ thoracic/ lumbar/ sacral vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx tail bone, lymph node, muscle, joint, labrum labral injury, internal organs, esophagus, diaphragm, heart, lung, liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidney, gall bladder, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, prostate, ovarian ovary, uterine uterus, acute or chronic pain treatment; plus singing, running, dance & sports athletic enhancement.
Injury & pain medical treatment: arthritis (osteoarthritis, gouty, rheumatoid, inflammatory), (Achilles) tendonitis, bursitis, sprain, strain, spasm, cramp, fibromyalgia, herniated bulging disc, spinal stenosis, spondylosis, spondylitis, scoliosis, kyphosis, whiplash, sciatica, pinched nerve, TMJ, TMD, migraine headache, brain tumor seizure, bone spur, rotator cuff, frozen shoulder, tennis golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, Morton's neuroma, bunion, plantar fasciitis, hammertoe, clawfoot, shin splint, meniscus, ACL, patellar ligament, Achilles tendon, ganglion, cyst, seroma, tumor, lump, benign fibroid, cancer lymphoma cancerous lymphedema, swelling edema, thyroid enlargement, vocal cord tightness, throat-eye-ear pain, loss of hearing, adhesion, keloid, hiatus (hiatal) hernia, inguinal-umbilical hernia, heartburn, acid reflux, Crohn's disease colitis infection, inflammatory irritable bowel (IBD, IBS), stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, gallstone, kidney stone, colon indigestion constipation, metabolism, abdominal bloating, rectum rectal prolapse, hemorrhoid, prostatitis, overactive/ over-active bladder (OAB), urinary retention-incontinence, infertility fertility, internal organ disease, asthma, sinusitis, hypertension high blood pressure, circulation, coronary artery plaque blockage, angina pectoris, palpitation, heart attack, lung fibrosis, bronchitis, acupuncture tissue damage, acupuncture nerve damage neuropathy, limb shaking by acupuncture stimulation, numbness, blood clot, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, fracture callus, osteoporosis, epidural steroid-cortisone side effect.
119 West 57th St. #511, Midtown Manhattan New York City NY 10019: 212-586-9550
Arthritis - Inflammation of a joint that may cause swelling, redness, and pain. There are different types of arthritis, the most common of which are Gout (Gouty Arthritis), Osteoarthritis, and Rheumatiod Arthritis. Jane's Apotherapy clears inflammation, swelling, redness, and pain in one treatment. An additional treatment may be needed, if the first treatment does not completely better the situation. Any additional sessions after the cure will enhance healthier and stronger joints than exists in normal people.
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Gouty Arthritis - A joint disorder due to deposits of crystals. Jane's Apotherapy clears crystal deposits and pain caused by it. Usually immediate results in one treatment, additional sessions will make it more complete and enhance the joints. Jane's Full Body Apotherapy will enhance the related internal organs (such as kidneys), metabolism, and blood circulation to prevent or stop the accumulations.
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Osteoarthritis - Most common form of arthritis, occurring mostly in the elderly, characterized by degenerative changes in the joints. Symptoms of pain after exercise or use are joint stiffness, and swelling. Jane's Apotherapy removes the pain, stiffness, and swelling in one treatment. Jane's Apotherapy also repairs and renews all degenerative tissues. Additional sessions will enhance healthier and stronger joints, therefore leading to arthritis prevention.
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Rheumatoid Arthritis - Chronic, destructive disease characterized by joint inflammation. Symptoms are varied and often including fatigue, low-grade fever, loss of appetite, morning stiffness, tender, painful swelling of two or more joints. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain, swelling, and symptoms in one treatment. Additional Full Body Apotherapy sessions needed for treating the causes.
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Bursitis - Inflammation of a bursa (fluid-filled membrane-lined sac, which serves as a lubricating and protective system between structures like joints), often precipitated by injury, infection, excessive trauma or effort, or arthritis or similar conditions and characterized by pain and often limited mobility. Jane's Apotherapy clears inflammation, pain, and brings back mobility in one treatment. Most bursitis patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Tendinitis / Tendonitis - Inflammation of a tendon, usually resulting from strain (tear) or injury. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain and inflammation, and regenerates damaged tendons in one treatment. Most tendinitis / tendonitis patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Fasciitis - Inflammation of fascia (fibrous tissue that supports soft organs and sheaths structure such as muscle). Jane's Apotherapy immediately clears the pain, inflammation, and will renew the fascia tissues, usually in only one treatment.
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Ligament Damage, Cartilage Damage, Joint Injury - Damage to the fibrous connective tissue that binds joints or bones together. Jane's Apotherapy renews damaged fibrous tissue to regenerate and reconstruct a much healthier joint than before the injury. You get immediate results in just one treatment for clearing the pain. If you don't feel 100% better a week after a treatment, additional sessions will be needed to get to the deeper joint areas for a complete cure.
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Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc - Rupture of fibrocartilage of the disc between vertebrae of the spinal column. With the ruptured disc there is a lack of cushioning between the vertebrae above and below and resultant pressure on spinal nerves, causing pain. Jane's Apotherapy removes the formation of bony spurs and regenerates to a healthier and stronger spine. Usually immediate results in just one treatment. Additional sessions will make it more complete or for enhancement. Most herniated disc patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment. Jane's Apotherapy clients often feel getting taller in height if they had severe herniated bulging disc, scoliosis, kyphosis, or humpback conditions, which is another benefit.
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Scoliosis - Abnormal lateral or sideward curve to the spine. Jane's Apotherapy corrects the spine and postural distortion/deformity back to alignment, therefore removes the pressure and pain caused by it too. Usually a big noticeable result by just 1-2 sessions. Not only can you feel the elimination of pain and pressure right after the first treatment, others can see it too. Additional Jane's Apotherapy sessions will speed up the correction or simply just for enhancement.
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Whiplash - An injury to the cervical (neck) vertebrae and their associated ligaments and muscles, causing pain and stiffness; often the result of rapid acceleration or deceleration, as in a car accident. Jane's Apotherapy clears the congealed blood, pain, and stiffness immediately in just one treatment. Jane's Apotherapy renews all the damaged ligaments and muscles. Jane's Apotherapy regenerates and reconstruct the cervical vertebrae and cervical spine back to alignment. Most whiplash patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Kyphosis, Humpback - A deformity of the spine that produces a round back, severe or progressive cases may cause back pain. Jane's Apotherapy removes the long term calcifications and regenerates all abnormal tissues and structures to bring back the alignment of the spine. There is always a big pain relief and visible result during or after the first Apotherapy treatment. Addtional Apotherapy sessions will speed up the correction and enhance the spine. Don't be surprised how much taller you feel after each Apotherapy treatment.
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Chiropractic, Neck Pain, Back Pain (Upper Back, Mid Back / Middle Back, Low Back / Lower Back), Spinal Disorders - System of diagnosis and treatment based on the belief that many diseases are caused by pressure on nerves due to misalignments of the spinal column. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain, spasm or stiffness in one treatment. Jane's Apotherapy removes calcifications and reconstructs the spine back to normal alignment. Jane's Apotherapy regenerates all spinal related substances and removes pressure on nerves. Most neck and back pain patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Osteosclerosis, Bone Spur - Abnormal increase in bone density that may affects the blood flow to create pain. Jane's Apotherapy removes excessive growth of all bony structure and the pain caused by it in one treatment. Most bone spurs patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Tennis Elbow - Painful inflammation of the tendon at the outer border of the elbow caused by overuse of lower arm muscles. Jane's Apotherapy clears the inflammation, pain, and rebuilds the tendon. Most tennis elbow patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Golfer's Elbow - Similar to Tennis Elbow, but the tendon is the inner border of the elbow instead. Jane's Apotherapy removes the inflammation and pain associated with it. Most golfer's elbow patients get cured by only one Apotherapy
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Common disorder of the wrist and hand, caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrist area and manifested by pain, tingling, burning, and muscular weakness, sometimes spreading to the arm and shoulder. Jane's Apotherapy clears the symptoms and the disorders that cause irritation or compression to the median nerve, therefore repairing nerve fibers and all related tissues. Usually one treatment needed if there is no pinched nerve under the shoulder area. Most carpal tunnel syndrome patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome) - Inappropriate alignment of the jaw joint and/or laxity of the supporting ligaments and muscles. There may be degenerative changes in the jaw joint. Jane's Apotherapy corrects the degenerative changes and clears the causes to bring the joint back to alignment. TMJ may require more than one treatment as the causes can be varied (i.e. if there are nodules already developed around the jaw, etc.). However, there is still always a precise noticeable improvement right after each Apotherapy treatment. Most TMJ patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Sciatica - Pain felt in the back and down the back and outer part of the thigh and leg due to compression on sacral spinal nerve roots or the sciatic nerve, often associated with degeneration of an intervertebral disc. Jane's Apotherapy clears all the symptoms, pain, spinal and nervous disorders usually in just one treatment. Most sciatica patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Neuralgia - Severe, often burning, pain along the course of a nerve. Jane's Apotherapy clears all related causes and symptoms. Usually immediate results by just one treatment, but additional sessions may be needed to make sure all related causes are treated especially if you have nerve tissue damage by acupuncture.
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Paralysis - Condition characterized by loss of sensation or of muscle function; it may be congenital or result from injury, disease, or poisoning. Jane's Apotherapy clears all non-congenital causes such as injury, disease or toxin, and stimulates to repair nerves and restore sensation. Paralysis conditions may get gradual results from each Apotherapy treatment. But Jane's Apotherapy cannot repair anything that is disconnected.
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Numbness - Partial or total lack of sensation in a part of the body, often accompanied by tingling. It may be caused by minor nerve damage or more serious nerve injury or dysfunction. Jane's Apotherapy repairs the nerve damage and brings back the sensation after each treatment. Most numbness patients feel well already after only one Apotherapy treatment. You may need more than one treatment especially if you have nerve tissue damage by acupuncture.
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Nerve Entrapment, Pinched Nerve, Nerve Damage - Abnormal condition in which a nerve is subjected to repeated or long-term compression, resulting in nerve damage, often with symptoms of pain and muscle weakness. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain, related joints inflammation, swelling, symptoms and immediately bring back the muscle strength in just one treatment. Jane's Apotherapy clears the compression obstructions and repairs the damaged nerves. More than one Apotherapy treatment may be needed for complete results especially if you have nerve tissue damage by acupuncture. Most pinched nerve patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Palsy - Conditions associated with paralysis: Bell's Palsy, Facial Palsy - Feature-distorting paralysis of one side of the face, often affecting the eye or mouth, and resulting from injury, disease of the facial nerve, or an unknown cause. It may lead to deformity.
Cerebral Palsy - Loss or deficiency of muscle control due to nonprogressive brain damage occurring before or at the time of birth such as bleeding, lack of oxygen or other injuries to the brain. Parkinson's Disease, Shaking Palsy - Slowly progressive neurological disorder characterized by resting tremor, shuffling gait, stooped posture, rolling motions of the fingers, drooling, and muscle weakness, sometimes with emotional instability. It most often occurs after the age of 60, but it may occur in young people as a result of diseases.
Jane's Apotherapy promotes to repair nerve or brain damage to gradually bring back the sensation and muscle strength for better normal functioning; Jane's Apotherapy gradually reduces the symptoms and corrects the deformity or atrophy. More than one Full Body Apotherapy treatment needed for better results.
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Multiple Sclerosis - Progressive disease in which nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord lose their myelin cover (phospholipids and proteins material). It may be due to a slow acting viral infection or due to an autoimmune response. It begins usually in early adulthood and progresses slowly with periods of remission and exacerbation. Early symptoms of abnormal sensation in the face or extremities, weakness, and visual disturbances progress to abnormal reflexes, tremors, difficulty in walking, leading to increase disability. Jane's Apotherapy stimulates the regrowth of nerve cells and nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord. Jane's Apotherapy removes viral infection and enhances the autoimmune system. Jane's Apotherapy gradually reduces and clears the symptoms, it brings back the sensation and normal functions of the body. Immediate results to clear the joint pain in one Apotherapy treatment. Additional Full Body Apotherapy sessions needed for treating the causes.
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Tension - Condition of being taut or tense, as in muscle tension; Psychophysiological state, usually a response to stress, characterized by an increase in heart rate, muscle tone, and alertness and usually accompanied by irritability, anxiety, and uneasiness. Jane's Apotherapy removes muscle tension in one treatment. Jane's Apotherapy relieves stress and anxiety to bring the mind to a better relaxing state. You can get an Apotherapy treatment anytime when needed for psychophysiological condtions.
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Headache, Migraine - All head pain caused with or without tension; Migraine is often confined to one side of the head. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain right away in one treatment, additional sessions will elicit the causes for a more permanent result.
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Swelling Edema - Abnormal collection of fluid in spaces between cells or compartments of the body. Jane's Apotherapy clears edema and congestion pain associated with it in one treatment. Additional sessions will lead to finding and treating all related causes.
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Lymphedema - Accumulation of lymph in tissues, leading to swelling; it occurs most often in the legs. It can be result from lymph vessel obstruction from tumor or inflammation. Jane's Apotherapy removes lymph vessel obstruction or inflammation, and it provides very powerful lymphatic drainage for lymphatic disorders. Immediate results in one treatment, additional sessions good for treating all related causes.
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Cramp, Spasm - Painful, uncontrollable tightening of a muscle. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain and will loosen up the muscles. Spasm condition gets cleared by one Apotherapy treatment. Cramp condition requires more than one Apotherapy treatment to stop it from happening again, because all muscles and tendons related to it must be treated too by the Apotherapy.
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Sprain - Injury to ligaments around a joint, causing pain, swelling, and skin discoloration. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain, swelling, congealed blood and repairs the fiber damage if it's an incomplete tear. Most Jane's Apotherapy clients feel recovered after one treatment, but an additional treatment after healing will enhance healthier and stronger ligaments and joints.
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Strain - A stretching injury to a muscle that results in partial or complete tear. Janes' Apotherapy clears the pain, swelling and repairs the damage if it's an incomplete tear, and most patients Get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment. For complete tear patients, you may see our orthopedic doctor surgeon for a surgery.
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Tumor - Growth of tissue, characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation. Jane's Apotherapy gradually shaves off the growth of tumor and detaches the sources that contribute to it. Usually gradual results after each Apotherapy treatment. The total number of sessions needed depend on the size and structure. But once the "root" has been detached by Jane's Apotherapy, it may then atrophy or resolve by itself.
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Cyst - Closed, fluid-filled sac embedded in tissue that is abnormal or results from disease. Jane's Apotherapy clears the abnormal growth of cyst. The Apotherapy treatment results are much more visible than tumors because cysts are softer and less stubborn. The total number of sessions needed also depend on the size and structure. You can also tell by the results after each treatment.
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Varicose Vein - Swollen, tortuous vein with abnormally functioning valves. It is often associated with congenitally weak valves, pregnancy, obesity, or vein inflammation in conjunction with the formation of blood clots. Jane's Apotherapy gradually clears the swollen, tortuous look and removes the blockade cause to bring back the strength and elasticity for healthier veins, muscle tone, and better skin. There are visible results after each Apotherapy treatment by the look. Additional sessions will lead to clear the causes for a permanent result . You also feel a great strength enhancement on the musculoskeletal system after each Apotherapy treatment.
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Scar Tissue, Adhesion - Band of fibrous tissue that causes normally separate structures to stick together. Adhesion frequently follows surgery, injury, or inflammation. It sometimes causes pain or interferes with normal functioning. Jane's Apotherapy clears or reduces skin surface scars, new scars will have faster and more obvious results than old scars. Jane's Apotherapy clears under-skin scar tissue, adhesion and the pain caused by it. Immediate results after one treatment, additional sessions of course are to make it more complete.
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Stretch Mark, Wrinkle, Tummy Tuck - Streak or narrow line, often resulting from tension or aging in the skin. Jane's Apotherapy reduces stretch marks, wrinkles and excessive fat to bring back muscle tone for better skin and looks. There are gradual visible results after each Apotherapy treatment.
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Cholesterol, Fat, Cellulite (Lumpy Fat Bulges) - Excessive levels of chemicals in the body can cause health problems. Jane's Apotherapy deep cleansing removes all toxins and metabolic wastes to gradually control all body chemical levels. Usually more than one treatment is needed. Full Body Apotherapy sessions will have greater results.
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Loss of Hearing - Lost sense of receiving and interpreting sounds. If this is caused by aging or disease, Jane's Apotherapy clears them to restore the senses. If this is caused by injuries, Jane's Apotherapy may still be able to restore the senses according to the degrees of injury. Usually, the condition improves after 1-2 sessions; additional sessions needed to make it more complete or to enhance.
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Earache - Ear pain that may be caused by ear disease or by infection or disease of the nose, mouth region, throat, and other nearby areas. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain in one treatment. Additional sessions are needed to clear all related areas and causes especially if the pain was caused by acupuncture needles.
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Thyroid Problem (Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism):
Hyperthyroidism - A condition resulting from overproduction of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland is enlarged and appears as a swelling in front of the neck. This makes the person irritable and nervous. In spite of increased appetite and intake of food, there is loss of weight. The accumulation of fluid behind the eyeball causes the eyes to bulge out in most people.
Hypothyroidism - A deficiency of thyroid hormone secretion that slows down metabolism. The person is lethargic, overweight, with intolerance to cold. The face, hands and legs are puffy.
Jane's Apotherapy clears the swelling, puffiness, fluid accumulation and symptoms. Usually immediate results in one treatment. Additional Apotherapy sessions needed for normalizing the thyroid functions and metabolism.
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Sinusitis, Sinus Problem - An inflammation or infection of the paranasal sinuses. Jane's Apotherapy drains the inflammation, infection, and head pain caused by it in one treatment. But additional sessions needed for treating the causes to enhance the immune system for a permanent result.
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Bronchitis, Lungs Problem - An acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchi and trachea. It is one of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Jane's Apotherapy clears the inflammation, cough, fever, and chest pain associated with it in just one treatment. Additional Apotherapy sessions will renew the pulmonary and respiratory tissues and rebound to a healthy system.
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Asthma - Respiratory disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of difficulty in breathing, wheezing, cough, and thick mucus production, caused by spasm or inflammation of the bronchi. Jane's Apotherapy clears the symptoms, spasm, inflammation, and all airway obstructions. Immediate relief to difficulty breathing, wheezing and coughing in one treatment. Additional sessions needed to enhance the respiratory and immune systems, which will prevent or stop asthma progression.
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Chest Pain - All chest pain caused by the heart, lungs and others, either by diseases or injuries. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain in one treatment. Additional sessions needed for complete treating of the causes for healthier organs or systems.
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Abdominal Pain - Pain and disorders in the belly, including the stomach, liver, intestines, and other organs between the chest and the pelvis, caused either by diseases or injuries. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain and symptoms in one treatment; additional sessions may be needed to treat the causes or prevent diseases.
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Heart or Lungs Related Chest Pain & Difficulty In Breathing - All heart, cardiovascular, lung, and respiratory related conditions. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain obstruction and difficulty in breathing in one treatment. Additional sessions will make the heart, lungs, cardiovascular and respiratory systems healthier and stronger. Jane's Apotherapy renews the unhealthy tissues, cells, and muscles. Jane's Apotherapy replaces non-emergency surgeries and gets you right back to everyday or sports activities.
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Heart Attack - Death of myocardial tissue due to insufficient blood flow in the coronary arteries. Jane's Apotherapy increases blood flow to clear the chest pain and difficulty in breathing for immediate relief in one treatment. Additional sessions will renew and rebuild the myocardial tissues for enhancement and prevention of heart attack. Jane's Apotherapy can replace most non-emergency heart surgeries and get you right back to your everyday or sports activities after the treatment. Most of all, you get healthier skin instead of scars, and a stronger heart than ever!
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Stroke - A sudden reduction of blood supply to areas of the brain. Jane's Apotherapy clears the blockage or hemorrhage of the blood vessels to prevent strokes; Jane's Apotherapy clears the congestion and edema of the brain to repair brain tissue damage from strokes. One Apotherapy treatment needed to get immediate relief from current event. Additional Full Body Apotherapy sessions are needed to prevent future stroke development.
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Cardiovascular Disorders - Disorders in body parts, including the heart and blood vessels involved in the pumping of blood, and transport of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout the body. Jane's Apotherapy clears the disorders and enhances the heart and blood vessels to be healthy, strong and elastic for pumping and transportation; noticeable results after each Apotherapy treatment.
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Hypertension, High Blood Pressure - Disorder often with no symptoms in which the blood pressure is persistently above 140/90 mgHg. Jane's Apotherapy immediately reduces the blood pressure in a treatment, but one treatment will not give you a permanent result. Additional Full Body Apotherapy sessions are needed to clear all blood vessel disorders for stabilizing the results.
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Hernia - Protrusion of an organ through an abnormal opening in the muscular wall surrounding the organ area. It may be congenital or acquired as a result of injury, muscular weakness, or disease. Common types of hernia include hiatus hernia, inguinal hernia, and umbilical hernia. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain caused by Hernia in one treatment. Jane's Apotherapy rebuilds the muscle tone and strength to rebound the organ back to the normal state. The total number of sessions needed depend on the causes such as injuries or diseases, Jane's Apotherapy has to treat all related causes to prevent it from happening again.
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Prolapse - Dropping or falling of an organ from its normal position. Jane's Apotherapy enhances the muscle strength and elasticity to rebound the organ back to its normal position. Jane's Apotherapy treats the injuries, diseases or causes. The Condition is improved after each Apotherapy treatment. But it's better to have one additional treatment beyond the cure for prevention.
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Atrophy - Decrease in size of a part of organ or muscle, resulting from a wasting away of tissue, as may occur in disease or from lack of use. Jane's Apotherapy stimulates the tissues to regrow, rebuild, regenerate and rebound. There is always a big visible improvement after each treatment. But internal organs will require more sessions than outer muscles to be complete because deeper layer disorders require more Apotherapy work to get to.
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Deformity, Posture Distortion, Joint Distortion - Condition in which the body in general or any part of it is misshapen, distorted, or malformed. Jane's Apotherapy corrects deformities resulted from injuries or diseases. Usually you see a big improvement after each treatment. You can continue to have Apotherapy sessions until the injuries or diseases are completely resolved and you are satisfied with the looks.
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Rotator Cuff, Frozen Shoulder - Disorders of the shoulder joint caused by tightening of the joint capsule. Jane's Apotherapy removes the pain, calcification, fibrosis and un-tighten the joint capsule. Most clients feel full range of motion (movement) recovered after just one Apotherapy treatment. Most rotator cuff and shoulder pain patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Calcification - Hardening of tissue resulting from the formation of calcium salts within it. Jane's Apotherapy removes calcification in one treatment. Additional sessions will make it more complete or to repair the related organs or arteries, or regulates the normal balance of hormones, calcium and other minerals in the body. Most calcification patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Fibrosis, Pulmonary Fibrosis - Increase in the formation of fibrous connective tissue, either normally as in scar formation, or abnormally to replace normal tissues. Jane's Apotherapy clears it and leads the body to regrow normal tissues to replace it. Usually visible results after one Apotherapy treatment if it is a skin scar formation. Internal organ fibrosis will require more than one Apotherapy treatment such as in the lungs, uterus, or heart, etc.
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Rib Fracture, Fractures - Break of a rib bone. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain, inflammation, and congealed blood immediately if it's an incomplete fracture. Jane's Apotherapy reshapes the bone back to normal or stronger condition after healing for both incomplete and complete fractures. Immediate pain relief after one treatment.
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Medial Meniscus, Lateral Meniscus Tear / Injuries - Cartilage damage of the knee joint. Jane's Apotherapy reshapes and regenerates the cartilage for a healthier and stronger knee joint than before the injury. Most meniscus injury clients receive only one Apotherapy treatment to clear the pain completely or to correct post surgery side effects for a complete cure.
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Patellar Ligament, Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL), Tibial Collateral Ligament, Fibular Collateral Ligament Injuries - Damage to the Shiny, whitish band of fibrous connective tissue that binds the knee joint together and connects bones and cartilage. Jane's Apotherapy renews the ligament fibrous tissues. Immediate results to clear the pain. Most ligament injury pain patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment. Unless if you have a complete tear ligament, you may see our orthopedic doctor surgeon for a surgery to reattach first.
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Sports Injuries, Chronic Pain, Muscle Pain, Podiatry, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Heel, Foot, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain - Jane's Apotherapy treats almost all conditions of the body. Jane's Apotherapy is especially helpful for athletes and those who engage in sports, freeing up players to get them back to the courts right away. It is also to maintain and enhance overall health beyond the cure. You get immediate results to know the percentage of improvement and if any additional sessions are needed right after an Apotherapy treatment.
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Shin Splints - Inflammation of the proximal portion of the musculotendinous units originating from the lower part of the shin bone or tibia. Ballet / dancers, running / runners, or other sports involving plantar flexion predispose to this condition. Jane’s Apotherapy clears the inflammation and pain right away. Most shin splints patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Plantar Fasciitis - Fibrous connective tissue inflammation of the sole. Jane's Apotherapy clears the inflammation, pain and regenerates the fibrous tissue after one treatment. Most plantar fasciitis patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Bunion Pain, Bunions - Swelling and thickening of the joint where the big toe joints the foot, displacing the big toe toward the other toes. Caused by chronic irritation from ill-fitting shoes, it may become painful. Jane's Apotherapy removes the swelling, thickening and pain of the joint and corrects the deformity, usually immediate results in one treatment.
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Clawfoot, Hammertoe - Deformity of the foot characterized by an abnormally high arch and hyper-extension of the toes, giving the foot a clawlike appearance. Jane's Apotherapy relieves the tension on the toes and immediately un-tighten, to have flat normal looking toes in just one treatment. Additional sessions will make it more complete and make sure all related muscles and tendons are corrected.
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Gout - Disease in which a defect in uric acid metabolism causes the acid and its salts to accumulate in the blood and joints, causing pain and swelling. Jane's Apotherapy removes the uric acid, salts accumulation, pain and swelling in just one treatment. But additional sessions needed to make it more complete. Jane's Full Body Apotherapy will be the best to also enhance the metabolic rate, joints, and kidney functions, therefore will prevent or stop the accumulations.
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Neuroma, Morton's Neuroma - A neuroma is the swelling, growth, or benign tumor of nerve tissue. Morton's neuroma is a common foot nerve thickening associated with pain, swelling, and inflammation between the 3rd and 4th toes. Jane's Apotherapy usually removes the pain, swelling, inflammation, or thickening in one treatment treatment. For a tumor, you may need more than one treatment to resolve it completely. But it will still get smaller within a week after each treatment. So you know if one more treatment is needed. Most neuroma and Morton's neuroma patients get cured by only one Apotherapy treatment.
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Metabolism, Toxin Removal - Combined chemical and physical process that take place in the body involving the distribution of nutrients and resulting in growth, energy production, elimination of wastes, and other body functions. Jane's Apotherapy removes metabolic waste, toxins and increases metabolism for a healthier body, visible results after each treatment.
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Drug, Steroid Abuse - Use of a drug for non-therapeutic purposes that can lead to physical and mental damage. Jane's Apotherapy clears drug and steroid use and repairs the damage for better health.
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Osteoporosis - Abnormal loss of bony tissue, causing fragile bones that fracture easily; pain, especially in the back; and loss of stature. The condition is common in postmenopausal women and also occurs in those immobilized or given steroid therapy for a long period and as a result of some endocrine disorders. Jane's Apotherapy clears the pain in one treatment. Jane's Apotherapy helps to regenerate collagen and bony tissue loss to have a much healthier bony structure and taller stature. More than one Full Body Apotherapy treatment needed to normalize the hormone, endocrine level, and metabolism functions.
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Fibromyalgia - A chronic condition that produces musculoskeletal pain. It has recently been considered as a disorder of the nervous and endocrine system with chemical imbalances that show how pain is perceived by the body. Abnormalities in neurotransmitters like substance P and serotonin are implicated. Emotional stress, trauma, surgery and disease of the thyroid have been implicated in triggering the symptoms. Jane's Apotherapy on pain areas clears the pain and symptoms usually in just one treatment. Additional Apotheray sessions will be needed to normalize the nervous, endocrine or chemical imbalances and to treat all related causes. Jane's Apotherapy treats each pain area one by one to give you the cure.
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Skin Care, Unhealthy Skin, Unhealthy Scalp, Hair Loss - Jane's Apotherapy increases blood flow and metabolism to improve skin, scalp, and hair conditions to also prevent hair loss.
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Blurry Eyes - Jane's Apotherapy clears blood vessel obstructions and the related causes. If one treatment does not make it completely better, additional sessions are needed.
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Throat, Vocal Cord Disorders - Jane's Apotherapy
clears nodule, nodules and strain related injurie
and enhances singing, vocal performances. Immediate improvement results after each Apotherapy treatment.
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Allergy - Hypersensitivity reaction to the presence of an agent. Jane's Apotherapy clears allergy symptoms such as bronchial congestion or edema in one treatment. Additional sessions will enhance the immune system and help the body to maintain a normal sensitivity reaction.
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Indigestion - Stomach upset; a disorder of the digestive function. Jane's Apotherapy immediately clears the symptoms such as vague discomfort, heartburn, or nausea in one treatment. Additional Apotherapy sessions will enhance the internal organs and prevent diseases.
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Constipation, Intestinal Obstructions, Colonic Disorders - Difficulty in having bowel movements because of loss of muscle tone in the intestine, very hard stools, or other causes. Jane's Apotherapy helps to tone up the related muscles and removes toxins, metabolic wastes and obstructions. Usually more than one Apotherapy treatment needed for a more stable result.
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NYC Pain Specialist & Massage Therapy -Chiropractic Adjustment, Osteopathic, Orthopedic, PT Physical Therapy, Alternative Dance Sports Medicine, Podiatry, Pain Management Rehabilitation, Day Spa Massage: Swedish, Shiatsu, Thai, Medical, Sports, Reflexology, Prenatal, Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage, Acupuncture Point & Acupuncture Meridian Acupressure
"I first went to Jane with debilitating lower back pain, as well as constant head aches from TMJ. After the first treatment I felt nearly 95% relief. Yes. You have redness. Yes. you have to be prepared for the treatment you are going to... and that Jane is an EXPERT IN!! She is the real deal and truly delivers. Besides her treatment, she gives the most wonderful and healing massages and caters to what you want and need. I have referred many friends from musicians to baseball players and they all can testify to my review. Jane is a wonderful gift."
Review by T. L. Manhattan, NY
-It Is Required To Be State Licensed (NYS) To Work As A Massage Therapist In New York.
-We Always Offer High Quality Affordable Massage And Effective Treatments To Everyone; No Exceptions. Someone has been using different names to post false and slanderous reviews about our business. You should just ignore those comments, so you don't miss your chance coming to us to get better. Jane's multi-specialty Apotherapy may be your only cure!
-The Truth Will Always Prevail. Don't Let Lies Hinder Your Path To Good Health.
-Please Note That 'Ricky H.', 'Starr L.', 'Bezel L.' & 'Olive Ginger' Were Never Our Clients.
-More Than 99% Of Our Apotherapy Clients Are Happy With The Immediate Treatment Results Every Time. Less Than 1% Of Our Clients Come In With The Intention For A Free Treatment.
RE: Sam S. (Unless this is Sam Shron, otherwise not a client)
This person Sam Shron called and asked for pricing before he came in to sample 3 minutes of treatment, to see if he wanted the treatment or just a massage. He continued with the 40 minutes treatment. When the work was done, he did not want to pay for the treatment fee. He ended up bargaining to pay a partial fee (not a free treatment). He received the treatment but did not want to pay for it. Simple!
RE: Simeone Scaramozzino
This person came to us limping with excruciating knee pain. He said he had serious knee pain caused by repeated Yoga injuries for months, and it was only getting worse. He'd been to many doctors prior to our single treatment. He came in for his 2:00pm appointment and paid a total fee of $120 with receipt using his Visa credit card ending #xx50 at 3:29pm. Jane spent one and half hours of time and energy for him. He then emailed us to request a refund by claiming his knee pain and swelling were resolved by another treatment.
You should use your own judgement for what's been said by those whose intentions are to acquire free services, especially if they were sent by business competitors. The above person may not need a second treatment from Jane for now. For future reference, Jane's Apotherapy may still be the only cure for many medical conditions.
RE: Olive Ginger
This person was never a client. Jane Is The Expert In All Her Apotherapy Alternative Techniques. This person does not even know the very basic concepts of Jane's techniques. There will not be much redness at all if you do not have a disorder or toxin deposits under the treated area. And People Get Cured By Jane's Apotherapy Treatment All The Time! There is no need to make accusations. People that are not honest about the treatment results will just have to find other specialists to deal with their future medical conditions.
Temporary redness from the Apotherapy techniques vary according to medical conditions. Increased redness signifies a thorough treatment of areas and the resolution of injury and pain. It may look like a hickey or a bruise during the resolving process, but a deeper redness that takes more time to fade is always better cleanse, i.e. cupping treatment. The ending result always makes the skin smoother and healthier. Otherwise an additional session or sessions may be necessary to complete the treatment. Again, redness is not injury/ nor does it make things worse!
Gift Certificates Available.
Worth Visiting Also For New Jersey NJ & Out Of State/ USA Clients. Licensed & Registered Therapists In Very Good Standing Of Professional Conduct; Alternative For Physician-Doctor-Surgeon Care Or Acupuncture; No One Beats Jane's Apotherapy When It Comes To Quick Treatment Times. Usually no recovery time is needed. This allows you to jump back into your daily routine as soon as treatments end.
Best Natural Pain Management Specialist Alternative Option:
Chiropractic, Podiatry, Orthopedic, Osteopathic, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Adjustment Care, Running Dance Sports Medicine, Acupuncture Neurology, Oncology, Gua Sha Expert, East Integrative Complementary & Holistic Alternative Internal Medicine natural healing for body, mind, head, occipital, ear, eye, sinus, chin, throat, jaw, neck, back (upper, mid, low back), chest, breast, rib, intercostal, abdominal belly, limb, shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, thumb, finger-fingertip, pinky, hip, leg, knee, ankle, foot, heel, arch, sole, toe-tip, great big-little toe, spine, cervical/ thoracic/ lumbar/ sacral vertebrae (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, sacrum, coccyx tail bone, SI joint), bone marrow, lymph node, muscle, joint, labrum labral injury, internal organs, esophagus, diaphragm, heart, lung, liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidney, gall bladder, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, prostate, ovarian ovary, uterine uterus, disease, acute or chronic pain complaint, plus vocal cord voice singing & musician overuse injury treatment.
Sports Strength Athletic Build Enhancement:
Gymnastics, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Hockey, Golf, Tennis, Marathon Race, Running, Jumping, Swimming, Biking, Wrestling, Dancing, Weight Lifting, Exercise, Workout & Fitness.
Top Quality Good Price Day Spa Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork:
Swedish, Scar/ Deep Tissue, Prenatal/ Postnatal Pregnancy Maternal, Japanese Shiatsu, Thai, Medical, Sports, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Reflexology, Acupuncture Point Acupuncture Meridian Acupressure, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery/ Liposuction/ Tummy Tuck Post Surgery Massage Therapy, Lipo Cavitation, Chinese Herb, Moxa-Moxibustion, Cupping.
Medical Day Spa Skin Care:
Scar Tissue, Acne Scar, Lipo Fat, Cellulite, Stretch Mark, Spider Varicose Vein, Callus, Puffy Bulging Dark Circle Eye Bag, Wrinkle Line Reduction (Facial, Forehead, Under Eye, Upper Lip, Around Mouth, Throat, Arm, Hand, Body), Better Than Collagen Botox Injection Anti-Aging Facelift, Weight Loss Toning.
Many people's injuries and pain have been cured by Jane's Apotherapy; most within one complete session. Jane's Apotherapy can not worsen medical conditions, it only improves them. It is also good for enhancing health and body strength anytime even if you did not have any previous medical conditions. Therefore it is the best nature healing and prevention for injury, disease, illness or sickness. Jane's Apotherapy is significantly much more strenuous especially for hands than massage and other treatments. Our company is registered by the New York State Education Dept. as a professional corporation in very good standing and professional conduct. Although we do not accept insurance for our treatments, we are willing to give a treatment discount (not for massage, which is only to relax you) for those who are in need and request before treatment. First time Apotherapy clients are directed to our web FAQ page for treatment information along with fees. Extra time worked not included and tips can be added to optional gratuity. Do not miss your chance to get better. Save yourself a surgery. Jane's Apotherapy is 100% safe with no side effects!
RE: Other Clinics, Therapists, Physicians, Doctors, Surgeons & Specialists
You're welcome to provide your service information for referring clients to each other, especially if you accept insurance.
RE: Advertising Companies
Fake, false, bad or negative biased postings by advertising companies disfavoring non-advertising clients should be spurned! We encourage people not to trust the algorithm that they have come up with for manipulating their marketing goals. They are not reliable. Help to cast away the fakes, do not pay attention to their listings!
RE: Apotherapy Clients
You may request a discount before treatment. Please do not wait until you are certain that you do not need another treatment, to request a refund by providing dishonest reasons. So you don't miss your chance to come back for future injuries, pain or medical conditions. For Many Medical Conditions Surgery Can Not Remedy, Jane's Apotherapy May Be The Only Cure!
Real customers come for treatments, therapeutic massage, deep tissue style and others are usually very pleased with the results, price rates, and services.
(Jane's unique multi-specialty techniques and the Gua Sha expert skill, can be applied to all body parts for the following injury, pain or medical condition solutions: arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, sprain, strain, spasm, cramp, fibromyalgia, herniated bulging disc, spinal stenosis, spondylosis, spondylitis, scoliosis, kyphosis, whiplash, sciatica, pinched nerve, TMJ, TMD, toothache, tooth-gum dental ache, migraine headache, bone spur, rotator cuff, frozen shoulder, tennis golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, Morton's neuroma, bunion, plantar fasciitis, hammertoe, clawfoot, shin splint, meniscus, ACL, patellar ligament, Achilles tendon, ganglion, cyst, seroma, tumor, lump, benign fibroid, cancer leukemia lymphoma cancerous lymphedema, swelling edema, thyroid enlargement, vocal cord tightness, throat-eye-ear pain, loss of hearing, adhesion, keloid, hernia, hiatus hiatal hernia, heartburn, acid reflux, Crohn's disease colitis infection, inflammatory irritable bowel (IBD, IBS), stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, gallstone, kidney stone, colon indigestion constipation, metabolism, abdominal bloating, rectum rectal prolapse, hemorrhoid, prostatitis, overactive/ over-active bladder (OAB), urinary retention-incontinence, infertility fertility, internal organ disease, asthma, sinusitis, hypertension high blood pressure, circulation, coronary artery plaque blockage, angina pectoris, palpitation, heart attack, lung fibrosis, bronchitis, acupuncture tissue damage, acupuncture nerve damage neuropathy, limb shaking by acupuncture stimulation, numbness, blood clot, burning pain, heaviness, weight control, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, fracture callus, osteoporosis, epidural steroid-cortisone side effects & more.)
NYC Pain Specialist & Massage Therapy, 119 West 57th St. Suite 511, New York, NY 10019 (Bet. 6th & 7th Ave.)
Quality Excellent -Podiatry, Osteopathy, Physical Therapy Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Alternative Sports Medicine
"What western medicine could not do for my Achilles heel injury in a year, Jane Lee cured in half an hour! Believe it! My name is Chris and I am a decathlon, heptathlon athlete attending a Div. II college in PA. I hurt my Achilles heel in Nov. of 2011 doing my approach to the High Jump. Many orthopedists and Physical therapist later, no positive result occurred. I missed participating the entire school year. This summer my trainer sent me home saying that he did not know what else to do to fix this problem. I found Jane, gave her a try and to my amazement my problem was gone. All I can say is that she kneads the affected area with a flat rounded rock with varying degrees of pressure and presto-chango away goes the pain. I recommend Jane to anyone with this problem. I say give her a try. It is not invasive. You have nothing to loose. If it works you go home amazed , like I was. If it doesn't, you are right back where you started from. Give it a try! And it feels good also."
Review by Chris Ammann
NYC Pain Specialist & Alternative Massage Therapy Medical Care, New York City (Across From Carnegie Hall)
Quality Excellent -Chiropractic, Osteopathy, PT Physical Therapy, Orthopedic Dance Sports Medicine
"Let me just say, Jane didn't just put me back to normal, SHE PUT ME BACK TO PERFECT-- and it only took ONE visit! Not only have I been completely cured for almost 9 months now (after experiencing indescribable amounts of pain in my hips/ lower back for over 18 years, and seeing absolutely every "specialist" around the world), but my flexibility, turn out, AND leg extensions are far better than anything I have ever trained for in the past 18 years of my dancing career. If only I had discovered her 18 years ago, I can only imagine where I'd be at with my dancing now! :) I am not kidding you! She is a magical fairy god mother. I could never in all my life ask for anything more from someone. She is now known as my guardian angel, who literally and figuratively, saved my life, as well as my dancing career. I could never thank her enough for her services and how well she takes care of me. Her warm and thoughtful personality, and sweet, sweet soul, lingers with me every single day. God bless you Jane-- you are my angel! I promise you, she will never let you down. I would never, ever recommend someone other than Jane-- go and see for yourself! You'll come to realize miracles do actually come true!"
Review by Ellen Holme
NYC Pain Specialist & Alternative Massage Therapy Medical Day Spa, West 57th St. Midtown
-Podiatry, Orthopedic, Sports Medicine, Holistic Health, Neurology, Respiratory, Pain Management
"amazing. cured my Morton's neuroma in one session... after doctors telling me i needed injections to kill the nerve... no thanks!"
"AGAIN.. people don't understand this treatment used for natural healing. had severe sinusitis after a long business trip in europe. took everything in duane reade for it. went in to see jane.. had the stone scraping treatment for 1 hr - woke up next day completely cured - sinuses drained, felt even better than normal. natural treatments always the best."
Review by Alexandra G. New York, NY
NYC Pain Specialist & Massage Therapy Clinic, Upper West Side Midtown Manhattan, New York City
-Podiatry, Integrative Sports Medicine, Acupuncture Alternative, PT Physical Therapy, Pain Management
"it really works i been trying a lot of things for my feet , like medicine, epsom salt, warm water , creams ,,,,, etc and i just find her on google and i call her and same day i get the appointment. she just work on my feet and i just walking 100% better i recommend her"
Review by Julian Z. New York, NY
NYC Alternative Massage Therapy Center, New York City NY
-Day Spa Massage: Swedish, Shiatsu, Thai, Medical, Sports, Reflexology, Prenatal, Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage, Acupuncture Point & Acupuncture Meridian Acupressure
"Jane is really amazing! She's very attentive to her customers and makes sure her customers are very comfortable. I go there for massages and you will not regret going there for a massage. I went for the first time and told my mom about it and she went...AND LOVED IT!"
Review by Syl P. Bronx, NY
NYC Pain Specialist & Alternative Massage Therapy Medical Day Spa, New York City NY
Quality Excellent -Chiropractic, Orthopedic, Neurology, PT Physical Therapy, Osteopathic Sports Medicine
"I have had a wonderful experience with Jane. I first met her a year ago as I was having pain in my neck due to a herniated disc. I went the tradition route with physical therapy, which did not alleviate or improve the pain. I honestly think the PT made it worse. After some research on the internet I came across Jane's website. After my 1 session with Jane I felt so much better. The improvements continued over the time as I was pain free. Jane is very dedicated to her work which shows in the care she puts forth with her patients. I have referred her to many people and will continue to do so as she does an exceptional job."
Review by Amanda Dizney